Simple Prayer in Gitxsanimx
Nigwood’m luu ‘taat tsim lax ha gi.
Niin ant amgwiitxw sa tun.
Kee’etw’m, niin wil sgiihl dax
Nit dim gan wilt.
Creator that is in heaven.
Bless this day.
We humble ourselves to you.
Simple Prayer to bless the family
Nigwood’m luu ‘taat tsim lax ha gi.
Niin ant amgwiitxw sa tun.
Kee’etw’m, niin wil sgiihl dax
Win ahl walga nithl stiigyeexw’y, neenixw dit, hlgii dit, nigwood’y ganhl nox.
Bis bax’n hli ama hyxw’n ahl mahhli ‘kilt lo’om.
Nit dim gan wilt.
Creator that is in heaven.
Bless this day.
We humble ourselves to you.
Also bless all my siblings, their partners, their children and my mom and dad. Spread your spirit amongst each one of us.